Price List
Initial Reflexology Session - 90 mins - £55.00
This includes full consultation plus treatment, your session lasts up to an hour and a half
Subsequent Sessions - 60 mins - £40.00
Blocks of 4 paid in advance treatment - £140.00 (each session £35.00)
Luxury Reflexology - 90 mins - extend your treatment with additional relaxation techniques £55.00
Facial Reflexology - £35.00
The perfect gift for the lady who has everything - Give something she wants, not needs
You can fill in our online Voucher Form
All Vouchers are valid for 6 months from time of issue
Home visits
Home visits are an additional £10 to your total treatment cost
Special Offer
Book any course of 6 treatments, pay for 5, the 6th treatment is free
Treatments to be taken within a 6 month period
Payment to be made in advance
Payment needs to be by cash, cheque or bank transfer
All treatments to be used within 6 months from date of first treatment
24 hours notice is required for cancellations or a 50% cost of the treatment is payable
Late arrival will shorten your treatment time